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Technical Support


Due to the issues encountered with simulation software in engineering, in many occasions users demand a second opinion either in assistance service that can advise them about the best techniques and methods or about ways to solve a calculation.


Similarly, in specific occasions, the possibility of complications appears during the installation or some compatibility problems between programs can arise, or even at any given moment, an error could appear in the software.


For all these situations, INGECIBER has a highly qualified technical team that is specialized in each engineering discipline that we cover. Our support and assistance staff is dedicated full-time to give support on different aspects of the software (technical support, installation, training and technical consultancy), providing specific answers using the knowledge acquired in real engineering projects.


If you are an INGECIBER client, you have at your disposal our maintenance service for any of our programs. You can contact with our support team through the following links:


CivilFEM powered by Marc and CivilFEM for ANSYS:

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